Principles, concepts and approaches of quantitative research methodology in English language teaching and the related statistical procedures for quantitative analysis.
Principles, concepts and approaches of qualitative research methodology in English language teaching; Qualitative research planning, procedure and evaluation.
Theories, approaches and related research in English language teaching; Principles for choosing teaching techniques and evaluation of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills as well as grammar and vocabulary based on student-centered learning; Practice of lesson planning.
Principles of language testing and assessment; Construction of language tests for various skills and purposes; Critique and analysis of tests; Interpretation of test results; Alternative assessment and current trends in language assessment.
Theories and practices of second language acquisition and English language teaching; New theories, research and fundamental practices that highlights some of the practical issues involved in teaching English; The relationship between SLA research and second language pedagogy.
Fundamental principles of linguistics featuring phonetics and phonology, morphology, semantics and syntax that benefit English language teachers.
Training and practice in writing lesson planning, using activities for integrated language skills instruction, and evaluation of students. Peer teaching with classmates, culminating in real practice in language classrooms at different levels with feedback from teaching experts.
*For those who choose Plan B