Asst. Prof. Wimonnit Chaokongjakra
Assistant Director for Information Technology and Academic Enhancement


Language Institute Building, Rangsit Campus
- M.A. in Applied Linguistics (Teaching English for Specific Purposes), Mahidol University
- B.A. (Second Class Honors) in English, Kasetsart University
Areas of Interest
- Teacher Professional Development
- Students’ and Teachers’ Voices
- Communicative Language Teaching Approaches
- EFL Teacher Education
Academic Work and Publications
Academic Work and Publications
- The Influences of the Workplace Culture on Teacher’s Beliefs, Behaviors, and Instructional Practices (30th Thailand TESOL Conference, 2010)
- The Influences of the Workplace Culture : the Perceptions of Thai University Foreign Language Teachers (31st Thailand TESOL conference, 2011)
- Exploring Teacher Workplace Context (The 3rd Foreign Language Learning and Teaching – FLLT International Conference, 2013)
- Chaokongjakra, Wimonnit (2013). The Impacts of the Workplace Culture: How University English as a Foreign Language (EFL) view themselves. Research report. Language Institute, Thammasat University.)
Academic Journals
- Chaokongjakra, Wimonnit & Hongboontri, Chantarath (2013). The Reciprocal Relationship between School Culture and Foreign Language Teacher’s Beliefs, Behaviors, and Instructional Practices. Thoughts 2011, 74-85.
- Soontornwipast, Kittitouch, Sappapan, Pattama, Mongkolhutthi, Preechaya, Chaengchenkit, Chaokongjakra, Wimonnit, Tangkiengsirisin, Supong (2012). An Evaluation of English for Specific Courses Offered by the Language Institute of Thammasat University. LITU Journal, 5(1), 66-77.