Asst. Prof. Supatra Bureewachira
Language Institute Building, Rangsit Campus
- M.A. in Language and Communication, National Institute of Development Administration (NIDA)
- B.A. in English, Thammasat University
- Certificate in Overseas Teacher Update Courses, St. Mary’s College, University of Surrey, U.K
Areas of Interest
- Reading
- Grammar
Academic Work and Publications
- Wachiracharoenwong, S. (2014). English for Sociologists and Anthropologists II. Bangkok: Thammasat University Press. (TU’s Scholarship Granted)
- Wachiracharoenwong, S. (2014). The Use of Mixed Strategies to Improve English Vocabulary Skills of Graduate Students, Thammasat University. Pasaa Paritat. Issue 29. Pages 67-88.
- Wachiracharoenwong, S., et.al. (2009). University English 1. Bangkok: Thammasat University Press. (TU’s Scholarship Granted)