Asst. Prof. Dr. Kittitouch Soontornwipast
Director of Ph.D. Program in English Language Teaching (ELT)


Language Institute Building, Rangsit Campus
- Ed.D. in Professional Development, Victoria University, Australia
- M.A. in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), California State University, Los Angeles, USA
- B.Ed. (Second Class Honors) in Secondary Education, Chulalongkorn University
Areas of Interest
- Teacher Training
- Instructional Media
- Action Research for English Teachers
- Teaching Methodology
Academic Work and Publications
- Foundation English I (EL 070) Co-author: Asst. Prof. Virasuda Sribayak
- Foundation English III (EL 172) Co-author: Asst. Prof. Virasuda Sribayak (one chapter)
- English for Health Communication: The Student Nurse English Course Book (in progress)
- Soontornwipast, K. (2009). An Impact of the MATEFL Program: Career Change, The International Journal of Learning 16, 9, 355-366.
- Soontornwipast, K.(2010). The Use of Instructional Media in University English Language Teaching: EFL Teachers’ Beliefs, Journal of the World Universities Forum, 3, 4, 31-44.
- Soontornwipast, K. (2010). EFL Teachers’ Beliefs about Grammar and Grammar Teaching: A Case Study of a Language Institute at a Thai University, The International Journal of Humanities, 8, 8, 143-152.
- Kitiyanuson, R. & Soontornwipast, K. (2011). Using Video Clips in Teacher Education: Self-reflection on Teachers’ Experiences, Ubiquitous Learning: An International Journal, 3, 2, 53-62.
- Soontornwipast, K. (2011). The Use of Experiential Learning in English Teacher Training, Journal of the World Universities Forum, 4, 3, 71-80.
- Soontornwipast, K. (2011). Inclusive Education: Language Learning of Students with Disabilities, The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, 6, 7, 155-168.
- Sribayak, V. & Soontornwipast, K. (2012). Promoting Self-Access Learning: Action Research, Thammasat Journal, 1, 8-24.
- 2003 Using Project Work to Solve the Problem of Students’ Apathy in the English for Science and Technology Class: Action Research at The Thailand TESOL International Conference
- 2003 Using Project Work to Solve the Problem of Students’ Apathy in the English for Science and Technology Class: Action Research at Action Learning, Action Research and Process Management (ALARPM) 6th & Participatory Action Research (PAR) 10th World Congress, Pretoria, South Africa
- 2006 Autonomous Learning: Practices and Elements at Action Learning, Action Research and Process Management (ALARPM) 7th & Participatory Action Research (PAR) 11th World Congress, Groningen, the Netherlands
- 2009 Promoting Autonomous Language Learning: Action Research at the 43rd Annual International IATEFL Conference and Exhibition, Cardiff, Wales
- 2009 An Impact Evaluation of a Masters Program in TEFL in Thailand at the 16th International Conference on Learning, Barcelona, Spain
- 2010 The Use of Instructional Media in University English Language Teaching: EFL Teachers’ Beliefs at the 3rd World Universities Forum, Davos, Switzerland
- 2010 EFL Teachers’ Beliefs about Grammar and Grammar Teaching at the 8th International Conference on New Directions in Humanities, Los Angeles, U.S.A.
- 2011 The Use of Experiential Learning in English Teacher Training at the 4th World Universities Forum, Hong Kong
- 2011 Enhancing the Practical Use of English for Nursing Students at the EAQUALS International Conference, Prague, Czech Republic
- 2011 Inclusive Education: Language Learning of Students with Disabilities at the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, New Orleans, U.S.A.
- 2012 Inclusive Education: EFL Teachers’ Beliefs about Language Learning of Students with Disabilities at the 8th International Congress of Qualitative Inquiry, Illinois, U.S.A.
- 2013 University EFL Teachers’ beliefs about the Use of Computers at the 6th World Universities Forum, Vancouver, Canada
- 2013 Language Acquisition and the Use of Computer Technology at Technology, Knowledge and Society Conference, Vancouver, Canada
- 2013 EFL Teachers’ Beliefs about Professional Development at the 8th International Conference on Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
- Outstanding Teacher in Humanities (2011) from Thammasat University