Dr. Samanan Sudsa-ard


Language Institute Building, Rangsit Campus
- Ph.D. in Language Education, University of Leeds, UK
- M.A. in English as an International Language, Chulalongkorn University
- B.Sc. in Education (English Major – Secondary Education), Northern Arizona University, Arizona, USA
- B.Ed. (Second Class Honours) in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Khon Kaen University
Areas of Interest
- Second Language Learning
- Vocabulary Knowledge Tests
- Vocabulary Learning and Memory Retention
- TESOL/ EFL Teacher Education
- Quantative Research in English Language Learning/Teaching
Trainings and Certificates
- Certificate in TESOL Teacher Training, The University of Auckland, New Zealand
- Certificate in Using Corpora for Research in Applied Linguistics, Language Institute, Thammasat University, Thailand
Academic Work and Publications
- Sudsa-ard, S. The Learner Factors: Guide for Successful Language Learning, Thammasat Review, 16(3), 41-52
- Sudsa-ard, S. & Chinwonno, A. (2013). A Study of EFL Preservice Teachers’ Perception on Non-Native English Teachers. Conference Proceedings of the Asian Conference on Language Learning, 695-706. Osaka, Japan. Available online at https://papers.iafor.org/wp-content/uploads/papers/acll2013/ACLL2013_0227.pdf