Assoc. Prof. Dr. Supong Tangkiengsirisin
Director of Language Institute Test Center


Language Institute Building, Rangsit Campus
- Ph.D. in English Studies, University of Nottingham, UK
- M.A. in English, Chulalongkorn University
- B.A. (Second Class Honors) in English, Chulalongkorn University
- Certificate in English for Mass Communication, University of Nottingham, UK
- Certificate in Developing Self-Access Language Learning Materials, Mahidol University
- Certificate in Computer-Based Instruction for English Second Language Learning, University of Alberta, Canada
Areas of Interest
- English Written Discourse
- Writing Strategies
- Genre Analysis
- Second Language Writing Instruction and Research
Academic Work and Publications
Research Articles
- Supachai Saeeaw & Supong Tangkiengsirisin. Rhetorical Structure of Research Article Abstracts in Environmental Science, Thoughts2014, Journal of the Department of English Faculty of Arts Chulalongkorn University, ISSN 1513-’1025 , pp. 66-79.
- Supachai Saeeaw & Supong Tangkiengsirisin. 2014. Rhetorical Variation across Research Article Abstracts in Environmental Science and Applied Linguistics, English Language Teaching, Vol.7,No.8, pp. 81-93.
- Chirawat Chana, Supong Tangkiengsirisin. 2012. Comparative Rhetoric of the Discourse Structure of News Stories between News Articles Published in Thailand and in the U.S.A., Language Institute Journal, Vol.5, No.1 , pp. 66-77.
- Kittitouch Soontornwipast, Pattama Sappapan, Preechaya Mongkolhutthi, Rangsiya Chaengchenkit, Wimonnit Chaokongjakra, Supong Tangkiengsirisin. (2012).
- An Evaluation of English for Specific Courses Offered by the Language Institute of Thammasat University, Language Institute Journal, Vol.5, No.1, pp. 66-77.
Tangkiengsirisin, S. (2011). - Effectiveness of Student Responses to Teacher Written Feedback: A Study of Thai Graduate Students. Journal of English Studies, Volume 6, June 2011, pp. 162-184.
- Tangkiengsirisin, S. (2010). Promoting Cohesion in EFL Expository Writing: A Study of Graduate Students in Thailand. International Journal of Arts and Sciences, 3(16), pp. 1-34.
- Tangkiengsirisin, S. (2010). Enhancing Cohesion in Second Language Writing: A Study of Thai Graduate Students’ Expository Compositions. The International Journal of Learning, Volume 17, No. 7, pp.33-46.
Academic Articles
- Tangkiengsirisin, S. (2013). Perspectives and Studies on Instructed Second Language Acquisition. Thammasat Review, Special Issue.
- Tangkiengsirisin, S. (2012). Cohesion and Coherence in Text. Thammasat University Journal.
- Tangkiengsirisin, S. (2006). Approaches to Second Language Writing. Language Institute Journal (Volume 3).
- Tangkiengsirisin, S. (2004). Nonpast Features of the English Verbs. Language Institute Journal (Volume 2).
- Tangkiengsirisin, S. (2003). The Nooks and Crannies of Business Writing. Language Institute Journal (Volume 1).
Book Review
- 2012: Genres across the Disciplines: Student writing in higher education. Thoughts
- 2012, ISSN: 1513 – 1025, Journal of the Department of English Faculty of Arts Chulalongkorn University
- 2012: Exploring classroom discourse: Language in action. FLLT Journal (Foreign Language Learning and Teaching) Volume 1, Number 1, 2012 ISSN: 2229-1989, The Language Institute, Thammasat University
Research Presented at International Conferences
- 2015: Rhetorical Variations in Research Article Abstracts across Disciplines. International Journal of Arts & Sciences’ (IJAS) International Conference for Teaching and Education, Rome, Italy (19-22 October 2015)
- 2015: Effects of Group Peer Feedback and Revision on Business writing Performance. The Korea TESOL International Conference & English Expo, Soul, South Korea (10-11 October 2015)
- 2015: Effects of Group Peer Feedback and Revision on Business Writing Performance. The 4th International Symposium on Business and Social, Supporo, Japan (20-22 July 2015)
- 2014: Contrastive Genre Analysis of English and Thai Research Abstracts in Humanities and Social Sciences. The 2014 Inaugural Asian Conference on the Arts, Humanities and Sustainability in Hiroshima, Japan (1-3 December 2014).
- 2013: The Effectiveness of Genre-based Instruction in a Business Writing Course. The 6th International Academic Conference in Bergen, Norway (23-26 June 2013).
- 2013: Developing a writing community through collaborative assignments and social technologies 12th PanSIG Conference at Nanzan University in Nagoya, Japan (18-19 May 2013).
- 2013: From Feedback to Revision: How Students Learn to Improve their Writing 33rd TESOL International Conference: “E” novation and Communities in ELT Pullman Khon Kaen Raja Orchid Hotel, Khon Kaen, Thailand (January 25-26, 2013)
- 2012: A Comparative Study of Students’ of Postgraduate Academic Papers. The Asian Coference on Education Community, Osaka, Japan (24-28 October 2012)
- 2012: Analysis of Students’ Self-evaluation and Revisions of Academic Writing. The International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) Conference: International Conference for Academic Disciplines in Vienna, Austria (1 – 5 April 2012)
- 2011: An Investigation of Pragmatic Competence: A Study of Thai EFL Students’ Request Strategies. Cognition, Conduct & Communication-CCC2011, University of Łódź , Poland (6-8 October 2011).
- 2011: Effectiveness of Student Responses to Teacher Written Feedback: A Study of Thai Graduate Students. The 1st Thammasat ELT International Conference: Voices in ELT, Thailand (10-11 June 2011).
- 2010: Perceptions and Attitudes of Thai Students towards the Process-oriented Writing Approach. The International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) Conference: European Conference for Academic Disciplines in Gottenheim, Germany (28 November – 3 December 2010).Implementing Cooperative Learning in the Classroom. International Journal of Arts & Sciences (IJAS), Germany (26 November – 6 December 2010)
- 2010: Enhancing Cohesion in Second Language Writing: A Study of Thai Graduate Students’ Expository Compositions. The 17th International Conference on Learning at Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong (6-9 July 2010).
- 2010: Promoting Cohesion in EFL Expository Writing: A Study of Graduate Students in Thailand. The International Journal of Arts and Sciences (IJAS) Conference: International Conference for Academic Disciplines in Bad Hofgastein, Austria (30 May – 3 June 2010)
- Tangkiengsirisin, S. 2000. English Course II. Language Institute, Thammasat University.
- Tangkiengsirisin, S. et al. 2010. University English 2. Thammasat University Press, pp.172-182.
- Tangkiengsirisin, S. 2013. English for Health Sciences. Thammasat University Press, 165 pages.
- Tangkiengsirisin, S. 2013. English for Sociologists and Anthropologists. Thammasat University Press, 176 pages.