Asst. Prof. Dr. Pimsiri Taylor

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Language Institute Building, Rangsit Campus

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  • Ed.D. in Lifelong Education, the University of Nottingham (Thesis in English Language Training Classroom Community of Practice)
  • M.A. in Cultural and Creative Industries, King’s College London, University of London
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Academic English, Media Studies, and International Business, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), University of London
  • B.A. in English, Chulalongkorn University

Areas of Interest

  • English for Specific Purposes
  • English as a Lingua Franca
  • English Medium Instruction
  • Internationalisation of Education
  • Content and Language Integrated Learning
  • Interculturality and Intercultural Competence
  • Educational Technology in English Language Teaching

Academic Work and Publications

  • Taylor, P. (2024). Blended Learning Challenges of EFL Undergraduate Students: Student Learning Experience in an AI-integrated ESP course. Studies in English Language and Education (SiELE), 11(3), 1431-1449.

  • Hanifa, F., Samad, I. A., Muthalib, K. A., & Taylor, P. (2024). Discourse Markers: Essential elements of a successful thesis defense presentation. International Journal of Language Studies, 18(4), 111-130.

  • Taylor, P., Argasvipart, K., Kanokpermpoon, M., Rattanawisadrat, N., Dyamond, B. J., & Hrylytskyy, A. (2023). Stakeholders’ Perceptions Related to Technology Acceptance of Reading Progress in Microsoft Teams: A Case Study of a Trilingual Program at a Secondary School in Thailand. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 16(2), 718–736.

  • Boonyarattanasoontorn, P. & Taylor, P. (2023). Identity Construction and Negotiation of Classroom CoP Members in Global Englishes Course: A Higher Education Context in Thailand. 16(6), 153-166.

  • Taylor, P. (2022). Domestic undergraduate students’ perceptions of internationalisation at home in Thailand: Conflicts of recognition surrounding international EMI programmes. rEFLections, 29(3), 718-738.

  • Khakhai, K. & Taylor, P. (2022). An exploration of Thai ESP teachers’ self efficacy and sources concerning course development and instruction. English Language teaching, 15(9), 54-68.

  • Koowuttayakorn, S. & Taylor, P. (2022). Usability and motivation study of mobile application for English language proficiency test preparation in Thailand: A case study of TU-GET CBT. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 15(2), 625-648.

  • Taylor, P. (2022). Perceptions of in-service teachers towards CLIL and CLIL teachers’ target language and intercultural competences: The context of English-medium instruction schools in Thailand. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 15(1), 565-587

  • Taylor P. (2021) The ‘Intercultural’ and English as a Lingua Franca in International Higher Education: Expectations, Realities and Implications for English Language Teaching. In: Victoria M., Sangiamchit C. (eds) Interculturality and the English Language Classroom. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

  • Hotekim, P. & Taylor, P. (2020). English Oral Communication Problems durign Corporate Meetings: A Case study of ELF Users in a Social Media Company. HUSO Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 4(2), 12-26.

  • Evison, J., Bailey, L., Taylor, P. & Tubpun, T. (2019). Professional identities of lecturers in three international universities in Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia: multilingual professionals at work. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education.

  • Hiranburana, K., Subphadoongchone, P., Tangkiengsirisin, S., Phoochaeoensil, S., Gainey, J., Thogsngsri, J., Sumonsriworakun, P., Somphong, M., Sappapan P. & Taylor, P. (2018). Framework of Reference for English Language Education in Thailand – (FRELE-TH) based on the CEFR – Revisited in the English Education Reform. Pasa Paritat Journal, 33, 51-91.

  • Hiranburana, K., Subphadoongchone, P., Tangkiengsirisin, S., Phoochaeoensil, S., Gainey, J., Thogsngsri, J., Sumonsriworakun, P., Somphong, M., Sappapan, P. & Taylor, P. (2017). A Framework of Reference for English Language Education in Thailand (FRELE-TH) ― based on the CEFR, The Thai experience. Language Education and Acquisition Research Network (LEARN) Journal, 10(2), 90-119

  • Torudom, K. & Taylor, P. (2017). An investigation of reading attitudes, motivation and reading anxiety of EFL undergraduate students. Language Education and Acquisition Research Network (LEARN) Journal, 10(2), 47-70.

  • Chottsawhas, P. & Taylor P. (2017). English language users’ perceptions towards the use of vlogging as an English speaking activity. Proceedings of International Postgraduate Conference on Research in Education (IPCoRE) (p. 278-288). Penang, Malaysia: Universiti Sains Malaysia.

  • Taylor, P. (2017). Fostering active learning in 21st century university English language classrooms. Foreign Language Learning and Teaching, Special Issue, 102-108.

  • Taylor, P. (2015). Communities of practice: Identity in a workplace English for specific purposes classroom in Thailand. International Journal of Continuing Education and Lifelong Learning, 7(2), 149-169.

  • Taylor, P. (2014). Mother tongue and identity in a Thai ESP classroom: A communities-of-practice perspective. Language Education and Acquisition Research Network (LEARN) Journal, 7(1), 76-90.