Asst. Prof. Dr. Monthon Kanokpermpoon


Language Institute, Thammasat University
2 Prachan Road, Phranakhorn, Bangkok 10200
- Ph.D. in Educational and Applied Linguistics, Newcastle University, UK
- M.A. in Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Thammasat University
- B.A. in Business English, Assumption University of Thailand
Areas of Interest
- Cognition in Language Education
- Second Language Learning
- Curriculum and Instruction
Trainings and Certificates
- Professional Certificate in Leadership and Communication, Harvard University, USA
- Mini-MBA, International Business Management Institute, Germany
- Certificate in Corpus Linguistics, Lancaster University, UK
- ELT Leadership Management Certificate, TESOL International Association, USA
- Certificate in Phonetics, Phonology and Transcription, Virtual Linguistics Campus
- Certificate in Teaching and Learning English, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Certificate in Computer-Assisted Language Learning, University of Edinburgh, UK
- Certificate in Theory and Practice of Test Construction, CITO International, Arnhem, the Netherlands (the Netherlands Fellowship Program)
Academic Work and Publications
- Kanokpermpoon, M. (2025). Investigating Thai EFL students’ metaphorical perceptions on social media. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 18(1), 158-189. https://doi.org/10.70730/ZBJX8571 [SCOPUS Q1, ERIC, ACI, TCI1]
- Klomkaew, T., & Kanokpermpoon, M. (2024). Meaning representations of “trans,” “transgender,”“transsexual” and “tranny”: A corpus-based analysis in digital news and magazines. Asia Social Issues, 17, e261016. https://doi.org/10.48048/asi.2024.261016 (TCI1)
- Kanokpermpoon, M. (2023). Foundation English course development for Thai tertiary education: Learners’ perceived needs and factor analysis. rEFLections, 30(3), 671-694. https://doi.org/10.61508/refl.v30i3.267999 (ERIC, SCOPUS, TCI1)
- Taylor, P., Argasyipart, K., Kanokpermpoon, M., Rattanawisadrat, N., Dyamond, B. J., & Hrylytskyy, A. (2023). Stakeholders’ perceptions related to technology acceptance of Reading Progress in Microsoft Teams: A case study of a trilingual program at a secondary school in Thailand. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 16(2), 718-736. https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/LEARN/article/view/266981 (ERIC, SCOPUS, TCI1)
- Klomkaew, S., & Kanokpermpoon, M. (2022). Ze is better than Hir? A corpus-based analysis in English news and magazines. The New English Teacher, 16(1), 125-152. http://www.assumptionjournal.au.edu/index.php/newEnglishTeacher/article/view/5600 (TCI1)
- Sakulprasertsri, K., Tangkiengsirisin, S., Phoocharoensil, S., Kanokpermpoon, M., & Koowuttayakorn, S. (2021). Online English teacher training during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Thai contexts. Asia Pacific Journal of Educators and Education, 36(2), 299–316. https://doi.org/10.21315/apjee2021.36.2.15 (SCOPUS)
- Phoocharoensil, S., & Kanokpermpoon, M. (2021). Distinguishing the near-synonyms ‘increase’ and ‘rise’: Genre and collocation investigation. Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences, 42(4), 968-975. https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/kjss/article/view/255757 (SCOPUS, TCI1)
- Kanokpermpoon, M. (2019). Thinking skills in practice: A case study of English curriculum at a Thai university. LEARN Journal: Language Education and Acquisition Research Network, 12(2), 49-63. https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/LEARN/article/view/205068 (ERIC, SCOPUS, TCI1)
- Kanokpermpoon, M. (2013). Managing working memory in language instructions: An overview of Cognitive Load Theory. Thammasat Review, 16(2), 93-108. https://sc01.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/tureview/article/view/40755
- Kanokpermpoon, M. (2012). 21st century language learning and teaching: Implementation of ICT-oriented language education. Thammasat University Journal, 31(1), 26-54. http://tujournals.tu.ac.th/thammasatjournal/detailart.aspx?ArticleID=48
- Kanokpermpoon, M. (2007). Thai and English consonantal sounds: A problem or a potential for EFL learning? ABAC Journal, 27(1), 57-66. http://www.assumptionjournal.au.edu/index.php/abacjournal/article/view/583
- Kanokpermpoon, M. (2007). A preliminary investigation of English and Thai Consonants. rEFLections, 10, 10-21. https://doi.org/10.61508/refl.v10i0.114263
- Kanokpermpoon, M. (2006). Thai ways of pronouncing English words. Journal of Cultural Approach, 7(11), 26-31.
- Kanokpermpoon, M. (2005). A preliminary investigation on vocabulary in context: How to learn and teach it. Journal of Cultural Approach, 6(9), 49-53.
- Kanokpermpoon, M. (2004). English fricatives: A problematic area of Thai students’ pronunciation. Journal of Cultural Approach, 4(7), 61-76.
Research reports
- Phoocharoensil, S., & Kanokpermpoon, M. (2021). Distinguishing the near-synonyms ‘increase’ and ‘rise’: Genre and collocation investigation. Research Report, Language Institute Thammasat University.
- Aroonmanakun, V., Kanokpermpoon, M., and Lertkultanon, S. (2018). English language test construction for visually-impaired students. Research Report, Thammasat University. (Innovative Research Grant from Thammasat University)
- Aroonmanakun, V., Kanokpermpoon, M., and Lertkultanon, S. (2012). Designing electronic tests of English language for visually-impaired students. Research report. Thammasat University.
- Aroonmanakun, V., Kanokpermpoon, M., and Lertkultanon, S. (2012). Thammasat University English foundation test analysis and problems with test structure and contents for visually-impaired students. Research report. Thammasat University.
- Aroonmanakun, V., Kanokpermpoon, M., and Lertkultanon, S. (2011). A study of Thammasat University visually impaired students’ learning styles and problems in accessing English language learning media. Research report. Thammasat University.